Sunday, 30 October 2011

When the clock strikes two twice...

Oh, it is that time of the year again when the clock strikes two twice!

At this point there is only one question on my mind, is this something that I should look forward to or something that i should indignantly ignore?

As they say, there is always another side to a coin, I suppose I can take the good from this. Being a woman, I think I wouldn't find it difficult to make a quick list. Lets begin with what my friend suggested with a vibrant smile a few hours ago, '...that means I get an extra hour to sleep !''. For those monday morning haters, it means one extra hour before they have to begin ploughing through the day. For those school kids, it means an extra hour to fuss & mess. For the little cuckoo in the clock, it means an extra chirp.

But how about the cons?

Isn't it human to always look at the cons before pros? Many people in every day situations find themselves weighing out the pros and cons, although they may not be aware of it. So what one does at the end of this debate is almost always difficult to predict. And when one side seems to overwhelmingly outweigh the other, and when the decision seems to be the hardest thing that you can ever make, how is it that your heart can gain courage, strength and confidence by the experience. How is it that you can tell yourself, ''I have lived through this horror. I can take another if it comes along...'' ?

Some months ago when the whole world stood stunned at nature's fury in Japan, a man was wandering with much sorrow in his heart amongst the rubble that stood beneath his feet. The rubble that swallowed everything that meant to him...his family, his home, his work, his life. To this man a tv reporter asks, 'How are you going to get through this? Where does the road take you from here on?''. The man replies, ''Like the sun rises everyday, Japan will also rise from this. And so I will''. Listening to this man moved my heart and brought tears to my eyes. So after all this, when the heart feels tired, tested and is what one needs to hear...'this too shall pass..'

And a beautiful poem (below) to remind us there is always another side to a coin.....words that will fit every situation, good or bad, and our perceptions that cloud both extremes, words to ease the heavy heart and tortured mind in every circumstance, words that are appropriate in every situation, in prosperity and in adversity, words that I hope will help everyone find some peace...

This Too Shall Pass

by Lanta Wilson Smith

When some great sorrow like a mighty river,
Flows through your life with peace-destroying power
And dearest things are swept from sight forever,
Say to your heart each trying hour:
"This, too, shall pass away."

When ceaseless toil has hushed your song of gladness,
And you have grown almost too tired to pray,
Let this truth banish from your heart its sadness,
And ease the burdens of each day:
"This, too, shall pass away."

When fortune smiles, and, full of mirth and pleasure,
The days are flitting by without a care,
Lest you should rest with only earthly treasure,
Let these few words their fullest import bear:
"This, too, shall pass away."

When earnest labor brings you fame and glory,
And all earth's noblest ones upon you smile,
Remember that life's longest, grandest story
Fills but a moment in earth's little while:
"This, too, shall pass away."

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